- Bekijk onze nieuwe videoclip:
"No Pictures".
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- 27mar11 - Bert Neuteboom: Mamadc congratulates The Credits with their score on NH Pop-Live. Good Luck !!
- 20Mar11 - R. Carrick:I'I've been listening to your music and watching your videos and I like it a lot. I think you're all brilliant and I 'll keep listening!
- 20Nov10 - Double D: I really enjoyed the performance, it rocked. When is the next gig?
- 10Nov10 - Duwes (himself) the Wolff: My Brothers, I'm online again since Sunday. It seemed that a stagger wasn't plugged in! Stupid computers. Anyway, I just saw The Credits, man what a groovy sound! And the singer, he's the business! And what a great song, much better than many early 80's bands. Yes I like it, "No Pictures" is amazing. And I haven't even seen the rest of the songs but it sounds like clockwork. Where does this Chris come from? Morrisey on speed looks, with stooges-guitarsound, it is quite marvelous really, I hear David Asheton at his best! In other words, you guys will rock the Patronaat in Haarlem. Whos's this guy Rob Acda? Don't think he's a rockstar, but allright, I'm no longer a rockstar either, althought when I saw the video I thought to myself: "I wanna do that".
Gents, show them that you got hair on it!
- 04Nov10c - Your Ex. iyaaa! I'm curious about your Post Pony song about Ché and I will bring some friends.
Is Chris' wig still for sale?
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